Audio Visual Services for Champion of the Year Gala at Quincy Hall in Minneapolis HIGHLIGHTSjoshNovember 12, 2021Quincy HallQuincy Hall, Quincy Hall av rental, Minneapolis, Mpls, Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis av rental, Minneapolis event, Best Buddies, Champion of the Year, Gala, gala av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, speakers, microphones, mixer, projector, projection, screen, switcher, uplights, stage, decor, pipe, drape, podium
Ballroom Audio Visual Services for Equity Summit at St Paul RiverCentre HIGHLIGHTSjoshNovember 10, 2021RiverCentreRiverCentre, River, Centre, Center, RiverCentre av rental, rent, rental, St Paul, Minnesota, MN, St Paul av rental, St Paul event, St Paul Area Chamber, commerce, equity summit, ballroom, summit av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, av equipment, speaker, microphone, mixer, projector, projections, screen, tv, monitor, confidence, camera, switcher, recorder, led, control, console, stage, decor, pipe, drape, backdrop, moddim, bend, tiles
MN Crew Event at The Hutton House AV RentaljoshOctober 25, 2021The Hutton House, The Hutton House av rental, Medicine Lake, Minnesota, MN, Medicine Lake av rental, Medicine Lake event, MN Crew, event av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Medicine Lake, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Medicine Lake, speaker, microphone, mic, mixer, stage, stage rental, stage rental Medicine Lake, Rent stage, rent stage Medicine Lake
Audio, Video and Staging Rental Equipment at Urban Daisy Event Center AV RentaljoshOctober 16, 2021Urban Daisy Event CenterUrban Daisy, event center, Urban Daisy av rental, Minneapolis, Mpls, Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis av rental, Minneapolis event, Boston Consulting Group, event, event av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Minneapolis, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Minneapolis, speaker, speaker rental, speaker rental Minneapolis, rent speakers, rent speakers Minneapolis, mixer, mixer rental, mixer rental Minneapolis, rent mixer, rent mixer Minneapolis, video equipment, video equipment rental, video equipment rental Minneapolis, rent video equipment, rent video equipment Minneapolis, projector, projector rental, projector rental Minneapolis, rent projector, rent projector Minneapolis, screen, screen rental, screen rental Minneapolis, Rent screen, rent screen Minneapolis, stage, stage rental, stage rental Minneapolis, Rent stage, rent stage Minneapolis
AV Rental Equipment and Services for Fundraiser at Interlachen Country Club HIGHLIGHTSjoshOctober 6, 2021Interlachen Country ClubInterlachen Country Club, Interlachen Country Club av rental, Minneapolis, Mpls, Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis av rental, Minneapolis event, Children’s Cancer Research Fund, CCRF, fundraiser, fundraiser av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Minneapolis, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Minneapolis, video equipment, video equipment rental, video equipment rental Minneapolis, rent video equipment, rent video equipment Minneapolis, projector, projector rental, projector rental Minneapolis, rent projector, rent projector Minneapolis, screen, screen rental, screen rental Minneapolis, Rent screen, rent screen Minneapolis, speaker, speaker rental, speaker rental Minneapolis, rent speakers, rent speakers Minneapolis, microphone, microphone rental, microphone rental Minneapolis, rent microphone, rent microphone Minneapolis, camera, camera rental, camera rental Minneapolis, Rent camera, rent camera Minneapolis, lighting rental, lighting rental Minneapolis, Rent lighting, rent lighting Minneapolis, stage, wash
Employee Recognition Dinner at Bavaria Downs in Chaska HIGHLIGHTSjoshSeptember 30, 2021Bavaria DownsBavaria Downs, Bavaria Downs av rental, Chaska, Minnesota, MN, Chaska av rental, Chaska event, Endeavor Air, Employee, Recognition, Dinner, show, dinner event av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Chaska, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Chaska, speaker, speaker rental, speaker rental Chaska, rent speakers, rent speakers Chaska, microphone, microphone rental, microphone rental Chaska, rent microphone, rent microphone Chaska, mixer, mixer rental, mixer rental Chaska, rent mixer, rent mixer Chaska, video equipment, video equipment rental, video equipment rental Chaska, rent video equipment, rent video equipment Chaska, projector, projector rental, projector rental Chaska, rent projector, rent projector Chaska, screen, screen rental, screen rental Chaska, Rent screen, rent screen Chaska, video camera, video camera rental, video camera rental Chaska, Rent video camera, rent video camera Chaska, lighting rental, lighting rental Chaska, Rent lighting, rent lighting Chaska, uplighting, uplighting rental, uplighting rental Chaska, Rent uplighting, rent uplighting Chaska, uplight, uplight rental, uplight rental Chaska, Rent uplights, rent uplights Chaska, stage, stage rental, stage rental Chaska, Rent stage, rent stage Chaska
Sound and Stage Rental at Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit AV RentaljoshSeptember 20, 2021The VenueThe Venue, The Venue av rental, Minneapolis, Mpls, Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis av rental, Minneapolis event, Lighthouse Immersive, press conference, immersive, van gogh, experience, press conference av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Minneapolis, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Minneapolis, speaker, speaker rental, speaker rental Minneapolis, rent speakers, rent speakers Minneapolis, microphone, microphone rental, microphone rental Minneapolis, rent microphone, rent microphone Minneapolis, mixer, mixer rental, mixer rental Minneapolis, rent mixer, rent mixer Minneapolis, stage, stage rental, stage rental Minneapolis, Rent stage, rent stage Minneapolis
Shriners 6th Annual Gala at The Depot HIGHLIGHTSjoshSeptember 10, 2021Renaissance, Hotel, Depot, The Depot, hotel, hotel av rental, Minneapolis, Mpls, Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis av rental, Minneapolis event, Shriners, twin cities, twi, 6th, annual, gala, gala av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, speakers, microphones, mixer, projector, screen, tv, monitor, mixing console, headset, system, camera, lens, confidence, teleprompter, prompter, lights, uplights, stage, light, back, back light, lighting console, console, control, frosted, podium, pipe and drape, drape, backdrop
Sound and Lights Rental for Birthday at the Minneapolis Institute of Art HIGHLIGHTSjoshAugust 6, 2021Minneapolis Institute Of ArtMinneapolis Institute of Arts, mia, art, arts, Institute, museum, museuem av rental, Minneapolis, Mpls, Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis av rental, Minneapolis event, private event, birthday, party, celebration, birthday av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Minneapolis, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Minneapolis, speaker, speaker rental, speaker rental Minneapolis, rent speakers, rent speakers Minneapolis, microphone, microphone rental, microphone rental Minneapolis, rent microphone, rent microphone Minneapolis, mixer, mixer rental, mixer rental Minneapolis, rent mixer, rent mixer Minneapolis, lighting rental, lighting rental Minneapolis, Rent lighting, rent lighting Minneapolis, uplighting, uplighting rental, uplighting rental Minneapolis, Rent uplighting, rent uplighting Minneapolis, uplights, uplights rental, uplights rental Minneapolis, Rent uplights, rent uplights Minneapolis, stage, stage rental, stage rental Minneapolis, Rent stage, rent stage Minneapolis
IDS Center Crystal Court Grand Re-Opening Event HIGHLIGHTSjoshJuly 22, 2021IDS CenterCrystal Court, IDS Center, Crystal Court av rental, Minneapolis, Mpls, Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis av rental, Minneapolis event, Mpls Downtown Council, grand, re-opening, grand opening av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Minneapolis, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Minneapolis, video equipment, video equipment rental, video equipment rental Minneapolis, rent video equipment, rent video equipment Minneapolis, Tv, tv rental, tv rental Minneapolis, Rent tv, rent tv Minneapolis, rent tv Mpls, tv rental for a day, tv rental for a day Minneapolis, Rent tv for a day, rent tv for a day Minneapolis, monitor, monitor rental, monitor rental Minneapolis, Rent monitor, rent monitor Minneapolis, stage, stage rental, stage rental Minneapolis, Rent stage, rent stage Minneapolis
Sound and Stage Rental for Hutton House Event HIGHLIGHTSjoshJuly 21, 2021The Hutton HouseHutton House, Hutton House av rental, Medicine Lake, Minnesota, MN, Medicine Lake av rental, Medicine Lake event, MN Crew, event av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Medicine Lake, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Medicine Lake, speaker, speaker rental, speaker rental Medicine Lake, rent speakers, rent speakers Medicine Lake, microphone, microphone rental, microphone rental Medicine Lake, rent microphone, rent microphone Medicine Lake, mixer, mixer rental, mixer rental Medicine Lake, rent mixer, rent mixer Medicine Lake, stage, stage rental, stage rental Medicine Lake, Rent stage, rent stage Medicine Lake
Audio Visual Rental for Ground Breaking Ceremony AV RentaljoshJuly 15, 2021Bloomington, Bloomington av rental, Minnesota, MN, Bloomington event, SICK, ground, breaking, groundbreaking, ceremony, groundbreaking av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Bloomington, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Bloomington, video equipment, video equipment rental, video equipment rental Bloomington, rent video equipment, rent video equipment Bloomington, stage, stage rental, stage rental Bloomington, Rent stage, rent stage Bloomington, speaker, microphone, mixer, tv, monitor, playback pro, stage decks, power, generator
New Rental Equipment at AV For You: Martin Stagebar 54S LED Lights HIGHLIGHTSjoshJune 25, 2021AV For You, LLCrental, rent, martin, stage, bar, 54s, led, luminaire, light, lighting, lights, equipment, event, av, audio, visual, audio visual, audiovisual, avforyou, av rental, av for you rental, event equipment rental, rent event equipment, crystal, minneapolis, mpls, st paul, mn, minnesota, lighting rental, lighting rental Minneapolis, lighting rental Mpls, lighting rental st paul, lighting rental minnesota, rent lighting, rent lighting Minneapolis, rent lighting Mpls, rent lighting st paul, rent lighting Minnesota
Sound and Stage Rental at the Hutton House AV RentaljoshJune 16, 2021Hutton HouseThe Hutton House, Hutton House, Hutton House av rental, Medicine Lake, Minnesota, MN, Medicine Lake av rental, Medicine Lake event, mn crew, event av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, speakers, speaker, qsc, k10, shure, wireless, microphones, mic, handheld, mackie, 1402-vlz4, 14 channel, mixer, digital, stage, decks, steps, skirt, 8’ x 16’, 4’ x 4’
New Rental Equipment at AV For You: Martin MAC 301 Wash LED Lights HIGHLIGHTSjoshApril 27, 2021AV For You, LLCrental, rent, martin, MAC, 301, wash, led, light, moving, washlight, stage, lighting, equipment, event, av, audio, visual, audio visual, audiovisual, avforyou, av rental, av for you rental, event equipment rental, rent event equipment, crystal, minneapolis, mpls, st paul, mn, minnesota, lighting rental, lighting rental Minneapolis, lighting rental Mpls, lighting rental st paul, lighting rental minnesota, rent lighting, rent lighting Minneapolis, rent lighting Mpls, rent lighting st paul, rent lighting Minnesota
New Rental Equipment at AV For You: Freedom Stage Set HIGHLIGHTSjoshApril 23, 2021AV For You, LLCrental, rent, Freedom, stage, set, Freedom stage set, backdrop, set panel, panel, stage backdrop, stage decor, decor, equipment, event, av, audio, visual, audio visual, audiovisual, avforyou, av rental, av for you rental, event equipment rental, rent event equipment, crystal, minneapolis, mpls, st paul, mn, minnesota, backdrop rental, backdrop rental Minneapolis, backdrop rental Mpls, backdrop rental st paul, backdrop rental minnesota, rent backdrop, rent backdrop Minneapolis, rent backdrop Mpls, rent backdrop st paul, rent backdrop Minnesota
Live DJ Streams from AV For You Broadcast Studio HIGHLIGHTSjoshMarch 3, 2021AV For You, LLCDj, djs, music, show, concert, marketing, footage, sizzle reel, content, creation, sound, lights, stage, staging, comprehensive, setup, plug and play, online, virtual event, stream, streaming, live, live streaming, broadcast, digital, digitally, webcast, virtual, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, av equipment, Crystal, Minneapolis, Mpls, MSP, St Paul, Saint Paul, Twin Cities, Minnesota, MN
Live Streaming DJ Setup at AV For You HIGHLIGHTSjoshDecember 10, 2020AV For You, LLCDj, djs, music, show, concert, marketing, footage, sizzle reel, content, creation, sound, lights, stage, staging, comprehensive, setup, plug and play, online, virtual event, stream, streaming, live, live streaming, broadcast, digital, digitally, webcast, virtual, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, av equipment, Crystal, Minneapolis, Mpls, MSP, St Paul, Saint Paul, Twin Cities, Minnesota, MN
Sound, Lights and Stage for Backyard Concert Rental HIGHLIGHTSjoshJuly 18, 2020Outdoor, backyard, rock, concert, band, backyard av rental, Minnetonka, Minnesota, MN, Minnetonka av rental, Minnetonka event, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Minnetonka, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Minnetonka, speaker, speaker rental, speaker rental Minnetonka, rent speakers, rent speakers Minnetonka, microphone, microphone rental, microphone rental Minnetonka, rent microphone, rent microphone Minnetonka, mixer, mixer rental, mixer rental Minnetonka, rent mixer, rent mixer Minnetonka, lighting rental, lighting rental Minnetonka, Rent lighting, rent lighting Minnetonka, stage, stage rental, stage rental Minnetonka, Rent stage, rent stage Minnetonka, s, sound
At Home Graduation Equipment Rental HIGHLIGHTSjoshJune 9, 2020Home, residence, residential, residential av rental, Minneapolis, Mpls, Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis av rental, Minneapolis event, at home, graduation, graduation av rental, avforyou, av for you rental, audio, visual, video, lighting, staging, av, audio visual, audiovisual, equipment, event, rent, rental, av rental, audio equipment rental, audio equipment rental Minneapolis, rent audio equipment, rent audio equipment Minneapolis, speaker, speaker rental, speaker rental Minneapolis, rent speakers, rent speakers Minneapolis, microphone, microphone rental, microphone rental Minneapolis, rent microphone, rent microphone Minneapolis, stage, stage rental, stage rental Minneapolis, Rent stage, rent stage Minneapolis, backdrop, backdrop rental, backdrop rental Minneapolis, Rent backdrop, rent backdrop Minneapolis, ceremony